Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children
Did you know?
- 1 in 10 children are sexually abused before the age of 10
- 90% of abused children know their abuser
- Signs that a child is being sexually abused are often present, but they are often indistinguishable from other signs of childhood stress, distress or trauma
Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children is taught in youth-serving organizations and communities all across the globe. Stewards of Children can also be taken by parents, caregivers and used to train staff and volunteers who work with children at schools, daycares, faith centers, recreation departments, and other youth-serving organizations. Stewards of Children is the only nationally available program proven to increase knowledge, improve attitudes, and change child protective behaviors. Created by experts in the field of prevention and evaluated for effectiveness, this program will equip you with self-awareness tools and five simple steps you can immediately use to protect the children in your life.
The 5 Steps to Protecting Children
- Step 1: Learn the Facts
- Step 2: Minimize Opportunity
- Step 3: Talk About It
- Step 4: Recognize the Signs
- Step 5: React Responsibly
Interested in hosting a FREE two hour Stewards of Children training? Contact our office at 573.348.6886 or info@kharborcac.org to schedule a training day. Click here to learn more about Darkness to Light.
For more information in the Osage Beach or St. Robert area, please contact:
573-348-6886 or email info@kharborcac.org
Click here to learn more about MBF.

Downloadable Resources
MBF Child Safety Matters®
Did you know children and teens can learn how to protect themselves from?
- Bullying
- Cyber bullying
- Online dangers
- Peer pressure
- Emotional and physical safety
MBF Child Safety Matters® is the first of its kind: A comprehensive, evidence-based, child-focused prevention curriculum based on polyvictimization research with two evaluations, including a randomized controlled trial, the gold standard in assessing the effectiveness of an intervention.
Child Safety Matters®– Children will learn who is a trusted, safe adult that they can talk to when they do not feel safe. Children will learn safety awareness, learning who a trusted adult is, spotting red flags, and safety rules. Children will learn ways to keep themselves safe from bullying, cyberbullying, and digital abuse.
Teen Safety Matters®– Teens will learn emotional safety, physical safety, digital safety, self-awareness, self-management and learning who a trusted adult is.
I follow the Safety Rules!
- Know What’s Up
- Spot Red Flags
- Make a Move
- Talk It Up
- No Blame/No Shame
For more information in the Osage Beach or St. Robert area, please contact: info@kharborcac.org
Click here to learn more about MBF.